eBooks & Audiobooks

eBooks & Audiobooks

Libby - (SJRLC Consortium)

Access ebooks and audiobooks from the South Jersey Regional Library Cooperative.

1. Download the Libby app from your device's app store.

2. Select "Otto Bruyns Northfield Library" when prompted.

3. Sign in with your library card number.

4. Browse and borrow titles from the shared consortium collection.

Libby - (SJRLC Consortium)

Access ebooks and audiobooks purchased specifically for Northfield patrons.

1. Use the same Libby app.

2. The Northfield-specific titles will be included in your search results along with the consortium titles.

To access Libby on your desktop or laptop, click here.

The Palace Project

Access over 100,000 ebooks through the Palace Project. **Cannot be used on Amazon devices*

1. Download the Palace Project app from your device's app store.

2. Search for and select "Otto Bruyns Public Library of Northfield."

3. Use your full library barcode number to log in.

4. Browse and borrow titles from the extensive collection.

For assistance with any of these resources, please contact the library staff. We're here to help you

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